Teach the Future has many enthusiastic volunteers and advocators around the world. Let’s have a chat with Wellington from Brazil.
What is your background?
I am passionate about business and innovation and graduated in Administration with specializations in Marketing and Digital Media. I also work in formal education as a tutor professor at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie in distance learning. Currently, I am taking the last courses of the master's degree in Education, Art and History of Culture in order to expand my repertoire beyond business.
Since 2019 I have been active for TTF Brazil, mainly organizing and conducting the operation and designing the performance strategy and projects.
What drives you in life
I am driven by challenges and curiosity, by the unknown. Being in the comfort zone is certainly not a bad place, but it can be a tedious place.
Why do you feel teaching the future is important?
To help young people to deal better with uncertainty and to enable them to design new future routes.

Why is teaching the future important specifically for in Brazil?
Brazil is going through a very complicated moment, we occupy the last places in the rankings that measure the performance of formal education, as well as we are also very badly positioned when it comes to innovation.
On the other hand, Brazil is a very rich country when it comes to diversity, it is a multi-cultural country. Activating this diversity and connecting to ancestry can help us in the process of rediscovering who we are, as a people and culture. Certainly the methodologies and tools of futurism can help us a lot in this process.
What do you think the world will look like if teaching the future becomes the default?
We will be better prepared to handle uncertainty and able to recalculate routes more quickly. We can project various possibilities for futures by entering into a plural and decolonizing process.
Thank you Wellington for being a Teach the Future member! 🌟 Feel free to connect with Wellington via LinkedIn.