As we review our 2024 NGFP applications, we are very happy to hear from our 2023 NGFP First Place Winners, Literacy Champions, Andrew Kiviiri, Daniella Nambalirwa, Christine Adikin, Annet Ajambo, and Joseline Kanyunyuzi of Uganda.

Their project brought Community Book Clinics to villages to promote literacy at a community level in Uganda. This type of project is what keeps us going on those late nights with deadlines and lots of inspiring applications to sift through…we love seeing the inspiration, forward-thinking, and solutions that global youth are finding each day.
We are so proud of this team and their achievements! We hope you will take a moment to celebrate with them.
Here is their open letter to our team, along with some photos from their project:
Dear Youth Voices Team,
I hope you are all doing well! Thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to push our project further and make it more effective. I'm writing to update you on our community Book Clinics during the holiday and how we've used the funds so far.This holiday, we welcomed 25 new young people as Literacy Champions, bringing our total to 30. We were able to reach over 120 children aged 2 to 12, helping them develop their literacy skills. We believe that every child deserves a good start on their education journey, and we're excited to nurture even more young minds in the future. Thank you for your continued support!
Kiviiri Andrew
A Literacy Champion
We especially appreciate the encouraging work of Andrew and his team.

Here is a snapshot of their spreadsheet which demonstrates just how far a $1000 prize can go:

See their application video here.
This coming year, we have had a record number of applicants, judges, and exceptional projects!
Stay tuned as we prepare to announce the winners and also the project recognition for the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
Special thanks go to our partners at the School of International Futures, whose support has been instrumental in our success, as well to the whole team that makes Next Generation Foresight Practitioners happen, including our invaluable judges and the Core Team, but most of all, our inspiring NGFP applicants.