Welcome to first quarterly newsletter of 2022
As we navigate our ways out of the global COVID pandemic our thoughts are with those affected in the Ukraine and other areas in the world where people suffer from suppression and hardship.
We all expected the world to move out of covid and all of us going back to a new normal life. But Putin and the war on Ukraine disrupted that expected future and we have to deal with the uncertainties that occur. In times like these it is even more important to imagine how we want the future to look and move in that direction based on a vision and our own actions.
In times like these teaching children and young adults the skills to become futures literate and develop agency towards a positive and sustainable future is crucial.
If you know teachers, business owners, other parents and school directors please share this newsletter with them and let them connect with us so we can teach the future together.
#Keepinspiring The Teach the Future team
Today we have a satellite office/sister concern in UAE as well. As of today the company has more than 30,000 inventory worth 15 million USD with an annual turnover of 0.5 million dollars and enjoying a comfortable annual steady growth of 20%. This has been possible due to our satisfied clients’ faith in us, who are from USA, Europe, China and In the middle east, including from Bulechip MNCs and Hitech giants. Visit Our Website: Isolonline