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Teach the Future’s Global Activities Continue — It’s a busy season!

Writer's picture: Pamela BieryPamela Biery

Teach the Future is excited to announce participation in a number of global events this season, and news from the Young Voices Network, plus work on a new video series for teachers to use in middle-school classrooms.

One of 2022's NGFP winners, Dyna, from Cambodia. Her project offers a solution that aims to equip Cambodians with first aid knowledge.

Young Voices Network

This is the third year that Teach the Future has partnered with Next Generation Foresight Practitioners and the School of International Futures, (SOIF) to inspire youth to find solutions for sustainable futures for this annual awards competition. In 2021, Teach the Future had nearly 80 registered entrants and 16 completed applications. Then in 2022 there were about 110 entrants with 33 completions, and in 2023, over 450 registered entrants with 84 completed applications. These young people from around the world submitted their best ideas for solving social, environmental, and economic issues. Stay tuned for the winner’s announcement soon.

This effort is headed by Lisa Giuliani, Global Youth Project Director and Amna Habiba,

Youth Innovation & Technology Director.

Also, Teach the Future’s Young Voices Network is excited to increase its enrollment. If you know someone between the ages of 12-18 years old who is interested in futures thinking and making a positive impact, please check out our Young Voice network page here.

Belgium Hub Director Thomas D'hooge with Peter Bishop, Dubai 2022

Belgium, Futures Festival — October 3 to October 5, 2023

Peter Bishop will be presenting at this innovative event. On October 3, 2023, the focus is on celebrating the future and preparing for a complex and rapidly changing world and its major societal challenges. October 4 will examine how to teach the future, asking how we prepare our young people for a future that does not yet exist today. It is impossible to predict the future. The aim of 'future science' as a subject is therefore to teach young people in secondary education how to deal with uncertainty and change. Prof. Dr. Peter Bishop, who founded Teach The Future, will present on October 4. Learn more and RSVP here. Website here.

Dubai Futures Forum — November 27 & 28, 2023

Teach the Future Team, Dubai 2022

Rosa Alegria (Brazil Hub), Thomas D'Hogee (Belgium Hub), Epaminondas Christophilopoulos (Nondas, Greece Hub), Diego Leal (Columbia Hub) and Lourdes Rodriguez (Global Hub Coordinator) will be attending Dubai Futures Forum “It’s a great opportunity to meet in person with foresight colleagues from all around the world while learning from top speakers in our field.”, notes Lourdes. Learn more here.

Note: Deadline for registration ends on 20 November at 11:59pm Gulf Standard Time

Futures Thinking Playbook—The Videos

Great progress has been made on Teach the Future’s upcoming video series for teacher, classroom, schools, and district use in bringing future thinking to middle-grade students globally.

This video series includes activities for classroom use and does not require any special training to implement. The video series of 5-7 minute videos is based on the successful Futures Thinking Playbook, which consists of 142 pages of class plans, thinking exercises. The videos continue the Playbook’s path of finding new ways to make future thinking a fun, engaging activity. This book is available on Amazon in many languages and the videos are anticipated in the Spring of 2024. Watch for more news on this upcoming video series.

You can help support this effort and give futures thinking education a whirl by downloading a complimentary copy of the “Views of the Past” 12-page activity today at this link.

We look forward to getting your feedback and maybe seeing you at an upcoming event!

Note: Teach the Future supports the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals, in particular, SDG 4: “to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.”

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