Teach the Future founder Peter Bishop travelled to Brisbane, Australia during the week of October 23 to hold the first Teach the Future meeting in the Australasian region. The three-hour meeting was held on Thu, Oct 26, the day before the APF Block the Future conference.
This meeting attracted twenty-five foresight professionals and others from Australia and New Zealand. Ten or so others said they wanted to be there, but couldn’t. After introductions, Peter made the point that Teach the Future was “standing on the shoulders of giants,” many of whom taught, published and practiced in the region. He then shared the history of Teach the Future going back to 2010 as well as its plans for this year, following a summer of piloting teacher workshops and student camps in Texas.
Peter hopes the APF participants and others will sort themselves into two groups. with one actively teaching "futures thinking" in Australasian schools, and the other group supporting them in many other ways. Teach the Future already has a presence in Texas and California, and a very active node in the Netherlands (thanks to APF member Erica Bol). Peter hopes that the Australasian will become the next center of activity.
Anyone who has questions or wishes to join the group can contact Peter at peter@teachthefuture.org until a local leadership team is established.