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In 'n vinnig ontwikkelende wêreld is dit noodsaaklik om te leer hoe om onsekere en voortdurend veranderende toekoms te hanteer. Kom ons berei ons volgende generasies voor met hierdie vaardighede in die klaskamer!
Ons strewe is dat elke student bereid is om 'n onsekere wêreld te navigeer en die agentskap het om hul voorkeur-toekoms te verbeel en te skep.
Ons missie is om toekomsdenkvaardighede aan studente en opvoeders regoor die wêreld te leer en om hulle te inspireer om hul toekoms te beïnvloed.
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If I participated in NGFP am I considered a young voice member?If you started an application for the NGFP awards but did not complete it you can be a Young Voice member. If you submitted a complete application you will be considered a Young Voice Leader. Please check your email for a personalized invite from Young Voices Network.
I am over 18 years of age can I be part of the young voices network?The Young Voices Network is open to youth aged 12 -18 years only. If you are over 18, you can join a Teach the Future Hub in your region or country.
How does a YV Member become a YV Leader?Participate in one or more Teach the Future events or our partner network opportunities
Why should I join?By joining, Young Voice members have a willingness to become an ambassador for futures and for sustainability.
What do the following perks mean?Resources on Futures thinking: Our online library of books and resources including The Futures Playbook TTF Events & Projects: NGFP-YV Awards, World Futures Day - Young Voices Insights to Global Opportunities: Be the first to hear about youth foresight opportunities Global youth network opportunities: Connection opportunities with peers, mentors, & leaders around the world Monthly Young Voices Network Meeting: Translate future focused ideas into action in service to our collective local and global communities. Meeting Specifics: Recap of past month YV Leaders Spotlight Breakout - Quick networking session Project: A project by you in your community (local/national/global/virtual) associated with the UN SDGs. It can be anything that you are passionate about or already working on or have completed! Some examples include NGO, community initiative, campaigns, podcast, company, services, etc Some common themes include civic engagement, advocacy, problem solving, etc
How can I support the network?Interested in supporting us, visit our donate page to financially support our youth projects and volunteers who help us elevate our mission Donate here:
How can I partner with the network?How can I partner with the network? Interested in partnering with the network? Please contact and give us a brief explanation about your partner plans and ideas. We look forward to hearing from you soon!
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