Hi! I’m Alethia Berenice Montero Baena from Mexico and I’m a ‘Psychofuturartist’. I’ve initiated Teach the Future Mexico with a group of fellow Mexican future enthusiasts since September 2018.
The first step for the Mexican hub of Teach the Future or TTFMX was to organise an introductory training course.
The objective of this course is to unify the criteria of around ten people (most of them professors) that already know Prospective/Future Studies, in order to have a common line of concepts and methods, so that they can either teach the subject to teachers/professors or students.
What we find special about this course is that, besides the Prospective basics, we had a “Didactics of Prospective” session, to know the challenges and skills a teacher needs to teach the future in the 21st century, also reminding the fundamentals of educating.
Our course is a free and open one, with approximately twenty attendees from which half belongs to Teach The Future Mexico. It is run every Friday from 11:00-14:00 since October 4th and ended on December 14th.
We work with three different trainers who are all prospective consultants and trainers. We get together at the room in which the Seminario de estudios prospectivos is held at the Faculty of Political and Social Science, UNAM.
Below are some of the topics we discuss during the course:
The Future: the raw material
Prospective. Notion and characteristics.
Prospective planning and anticipation.
Innovation Futures
Major currents in Education
Prospective Currents (education and training)
Prospective and education: global panorama
Towards didactics of prospective
Prospective and didactics
Quantitative, Qualitative and mixed methods
World Café
Ludic and collaborative technique
For this course, we considered the Foresight thinking major concepts which the founder of Teach the Future, Peter Bishop, shared with us, as well as the Learning Objectives which were part of our “Didactics of Prospective” session basis.
We are pleased to have the Brazilian Fernanda Ebert (who lives in Mexico) as a member of our crew, being also the contact that spoke in behalf of Peter Bishop to propose the TTFMX opening.
What we have on our 2019 agenda, once we finish unifying the criteria is:
To establish TTFMX as a civil society or NGO;
To have deeper and specialized trainings including the use of didactic materials. We are looking into translating the Futures Playbook, for example;
To make a set of group dynamics which promote anticipatory thinking, Futures building skills, imagination, creativity and more in order to generate a “business card”;
To plan how and where to introduce Prospective in several places, several audiences;
To share materials and products “Made in Mexico” and see if we can add them to the TTF library;
To be visible for the Futures community and propose, for example, to have a section on the TTF website for the TTF “chapters”;
To look how can we certificate our teachers and provide a valid document which can be recognised nationally and internationally;
To interrelate with other TTF members for sharing experiences.
If you want to communicate with Teach the Future Mexico to help us out, ask a question or share experiences, please contact me via alethia.montero.baena@gmail.com
Want to know more about TTFMX in general? Please visit https://www.prospectiva.mx/ and https://www.teatrodeldevenir.com/.