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Teach the Future es un movimiento global sin fines de lucro que promueve la 'alfabetización del futuro' como una habilidad para la vida.  para estudiantes y educadores.


En un mundo en rápida evolución, es esencial aprender a lidiar con futuros inciertos y en constante cambio. ¡Preparemos a nuestras próximas generaciones con estas habilidades en el aula!

Nuestra aspiración es que cada estudiante esté preparado para navegar en un mundo incierto y tenga la agencia para imaginar y crear su futuro preferido.

Nuestra misión es enseñar habilidades de pensamiento futuro a estudiantes y educadores de todo el mundo e inspirarlos a influir en su futuro.

¿Por qué es importante enseñar el futuro?

Sabemos que la esperanza en el futuro es un factor de predicción principal del éxito, pero las escuelas ofrecen pocas herramientas prácticas para ayudar a los estudiantes a comprender el cambio o explorar su papel en la configuración del futuro.  


Creemos que los jóvenes de cualquier edad pueden aprender a pensar de manera crítica y creativa sobre el futuro y desarrollar la agencia para influir en él.  


La comunidad Teach the Future se dedica a llevar el pensamiento del futuro a las escuelas, los educadores y los estudiantes de todo el mundo. Al enseñar el futuro, puede preparar a los jóvenes para enfrentar la incertidumbre y ayudarlos a visualizar y crear su futuro preferido.

Teach the Future apoya la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible y los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible , en particular el ODS 4: “garantizar una educación de calidad inclusiva y equitativa y promover oportunidades de aprendizaje a lo largo de toda la vida para todos”.

El plan de estudios Teach the Future (en varios formatos) se enseña en las escuelas (o después del horario escolar) de todo el mundo.

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¿Qué impacto queremos lograr?

Al llevar el pensamiento futuro a las aulas hoy, queremos lograr resultados a largo plazo para las generaciones venideras:

  • Estimular la conciencia del futuro

  • Activar diferentes formas de pensar (de forma crítica y creativa)

  • Enseñar la capacidad de navegar e influir en el cambio frente a la incertidumbre y la complejidad.

  • Participar en una mejor toma de decisiones

  • Crear ciudadanos más activos

  • Genere más empatía, particularmente para las generaciones futuras, en la solución de problemas sociales.

Conocer al equipo


How did it all start?

Teach the Future was founded by American professor Peter Bishop. Peter led the University of Houston Master's in Foresight program for 30 years and wrote Teaching About the Future with his colleague, Andy Hines. Upon his retirement in 2013 he initiated Teach the Future because he felt that futures thinking should not only be taught at universities but made accessible from an early age on. In the past years Peter’s mission for Teach the Future has spread out over the world and is still spreading….

Peter Bishop


Peter Bishop is founder and Executive Director of Teach the Future. He led the University of Houston Master's in Foresight program for 30 years and co-wrote the text book Teaching About the Future.

Pamela Biery

Global Social Media Manager

Pamela is a communications consultant. She enjoys creating and enhancing meaningful social media to inspire and engage on future studies topics and foresight planning. Pamela is based in California.

Rosa Alegria

Brasil Hub Director

Rosa is the CEO of Teach the Future Brasil and Coordinator of South American hubs for Teach the Future. She conducts workshops and seminars on foresight throughout Brasil.

Janine Nel

South Africa Hub Coordinator

Janine is a futurist, coordinates the Futures Foresight program in South Africa and manages the Hub.

Thomas D'hooge

Belgium Hub Director

Thomas runs our Belgium hub. He's on a mission to gather like-minded people from all over the globe to pursue his plan of developing a Museum of Futures.

Mustafa Aykut

Turkey Hub Director

Mustafa runs our Turkey hub. He's leading the inclusion of futures thinking curriculum at GEN Koleji, a network of private K-12 schools in Istanbul.

Lourdes Rodríguez

Global Hub Coordinator

Lourdes is the global Hubs coordinator and also manages the Hub in Spain.

Willem Overbosch

Global Business Explorer

Willem is Business Development explorer for Teach the Future. He has over 20 years of experience in entrepreneurship founding and building businesses. He’s also an author and keynote speaker on sustainability, futures thinking and technology.

Alethia Baena Montero

Mexico Hub Director

Alethia Baena Montero is the Director of the Teach the Future Mexico. She is conducting workshops for teachers and students and on teaching the future.

Els Dragt

Netherlands Hub Coordinator

Els is a Dutch Futurist and manages several EU project for TTF in Europe.

Epaminondas Christophilopoulos

Greece Hub Director

Nondas runs our Greece Hub. He's the Chief Scientific Advisor, Special Secretariat for Strategic Foresight, Presidency of the Greek Government

Glen Lombard

Canada Hub Co-Director

Glen is a futurist, systemic designer, and change facilitator. Working towards more equitable, prosperous, and sustainable communities.

Lisa Giuliani

Youth Foresight Project Director

Lisa connects youth with internship and network opportunities. Seasoned in educational management, organizational development and building partnerships. She is always on the look out for collaborative projects.

Amna Habiba

Youth Innovation & Technology Director

Amna is passionate about Girls Rights, UN Sustainable Development Goals & Literacy. She runs our Young Voices Network and builds our platform.

Erica Bol


Erica Bol is our ever enthusiastic conscious futures consultant who helps educators and young people envision more sustainable futures.

Maria Gabriela García López

Peru Hub Director

Gabriela runs our Peru hub. She's on a mission to make the futures thinking space available for young people and adults in Peru.

Mohsen Taheri

Iran Hub Director

Mohsen runs our Iran hub. He's on a mission to make the futures thinking space available for young people and adults in Iran.

Patrick Boot

Canada Hub Co-Director

Patrick is a designer for social and planetary good. He leads the Canada Hub with his partner Glen Lombard.

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